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Traveller - Box 1: Adventurers

1 Adventuress in Vacc Suit
2 Adventurer in Vacc Suit with Repair Gear
3 Adventurer in Vacc Suit with Snub Pistol
4 Adventurer in Vacc Suit with Accelerator Rifle
5 Adventurer in Casual Wear with Advanced Combat Rifle
6 Adventurer in Casual Wear with Auto Pistol
7 Adventuress in Casual Wear with Carbine
8 Adventurer in Casual Wear with RAM Grenade Launcher
9 Adventurer in Ship Dress with Hand Computer
10 Adventuress in Ship Dress with Snub Pistol
11 Adventurer in Ship Dress with Snub Pistol
12 Adventurer in Survival Dress with Advanced Combat Rifle
13 Adventurer in Survival Dress with Auto Pistol
14 Adventuress in Survival Dress with Assault Rifle
15 Utility Droid with Work Arms
16 Social Droid (Steward/Library Functions)
17 Down and out Adventurer with Dagger and Body Pistol
18 Down and out Adventurer with Carbine
19 Down and out Adventurer with Auto Pistol
20 Barbarian Adventurer with Cutlass

Miniatures & Images ©1982,3 Games Workshop
Page © The Stuff of Legends, may not be copied without permission
Last modified: Tue May 19 2015 by Orclord