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The Second Citadel Journal - Autumn 1985
Front Cover
Dolgan Raiders - Cut Out Wagons & Characters
Rogues, Riff Raff & Vagabonds
The Dolgan Raiders - Scenario
Pigpen Muckfoot's Guide to Painting Figures
Regiments of Renown
Bloodbath at Orc's Drift Ad
Photo Page
Catalog Pages
Fighting Fantasy
Starter Boxed Sets
Miniature Catalog Introduction
C06 Dwarfs
C08 Elves
C12 Goblins
Orcs C15
C18 Undead Samurai
C23 Giant Ogres
C24 Troglodytes
C27 Chaos Beastmen
C29 Monsters
C31 Giant Monsters
C33 Adventure Packs
C34 Monsters
C36 Hobgoblins
C42 Battlecars
C46 Townsfolk
ADD Advanced Dungeons & Dungeons
BDD Dungeons & Dungeons Sets
ME The Lord of the Rings
RR Regiments of Renown
N11 Giant Black Orcs
N12 Hobgoblins
CM1 Chaos Chimera
BC3 Dwarf Lords of Legends
Vestments of Vileness Contest
Arcane Armorials Results
Giants, Titans & Giant Demons on a Budget
A Fistful of Figures
Rick Priestley goes In Pursuit
The Known World Map
Readers Art Gallery
Eldritch Epistles
Open Day Pictures
Psychostyrene Dwarfs Ad
Dolgan Raiders Pieces
Judge Dredd Ad
Price List Insert
Price List
Support SOL