Chronicle CM - Creatures and Monsters
- CM4 - Zombie
- CM5 - Mummy
- CM6 - Werewolf
- CM7 - Wight with sword
- CM8 - Vampire
- CM9 - Hobgoblins (10 Types)
- CM9A - Hobgoblin with Two Handed Weapon (10 Types)
- CM9B - Hobgoblin Chieftain
- CM9C - Hobgoblin Shaman/Witchdoctor
- CM9D - Hobgoblin Standard Bearer
- CM9E - Hobgoblin Archer
- CM9F - Hobgoblin with Crossbow
- CM10 - Troll
- CM12 - Lich
- CM13 - Medusa
- CM15 - Gargoyle
- CM16 - Wererat
- CM17 - Flesh Golem
- CM18 - Fire Giant
- CM19 - Hill Giant
- CM19 - Giant Troll
- CM20 - Two Wardogs
- CM21 - Orc (14 Types)
- CM21A - Orc with Two Handed Weapon (14 Types)
- CM21B - Orc Leader
- CM21C - Orc Shaman/Witchdoctor
- CM21D - Orc Standard Bearer
- CM21E - Orc Archer
- CM21F - Orc with Crossbow
- CM21G - Giant Orc
- CM21H - Orc Bodyguard (4 Types)
- CM211 - Orc Standard Bearer (6 Types Of Standards)
- CM21J - Orc Champions
- CM21K - War Drum And Drummers
- CM21L - Catapult & Orc Crew
- CM21M - Orc Bolt Shooter & Orc Crew
- CM21N - Battering Ram & Orc Crew
- CM21O - Orc King On Skull Throne And Attendants
- CM21Y - Weapons Packs (11 Weapons Each)
- CM21Z - Battle Standards
- CM22 - Orc On Giant Warwolf
- CM22A - Orc General On Giant Warwolf
- CM22B1 - Orc War Chariot with Two Crew & Two Wolves Pulling
- CM22B2 - Orc War Chariot with Three Crew & Four Wolves Pulling
- CM22C - Orc Generals War Chariot A/A But With General, StdBearer & Driver
- CM23 - Giant Wolf
- CM23A - Giant Wolf Leaping
- CM24 - Kobold (4 Types)
- CM24A - Kobold W Two Handed Weapon (4 Types )
- CM24B - Kobold Chieftain
- CM24C - Kobold Shaman/Witchdoctor