2015 USA Oldhammer Weekend Schedule


Oldhammer warband


Friday-Sunday August 7th-9th 2015
Days Inn Hotel
3400 Airport Road
Allentown, PA 18109

This year we have a hotel Conference hall in Allentown, Pennsylvania reserved for three days, August 7th-9th! The crew have some tremendous games planned, and we are going to have more games, more types of games, and even a bunch of Open Tables for any type of game! And its all going to be open much, much later for late night gaming, drinking, trading and everything!

The group learned a lot from last year, and we've added some great events, as you'll see listed in the agenda below. We've added times for Specialist Games, Trading Table, Vendors, and more!


Three Day Pass $40, One Day Pass $15, bookable through Eventbrite

All Passes include Psycho Sam, the Oldhammer USA miniature!
Oldhammer warband

Event Schedule

Friday August 7th 2015

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Registration Desk Open

Check-in, pick up your swag, register for games, and take a peek at our history of Warhammer table.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Open Gaming

Play whatever Oldhammer games strike your fancy.  Some games and terrain will be provided for use on open tables.  These tables will give you the space to "bring and battle" Oldhammer style.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Trading Table Open

Stop by the trading table to trade your games and minis with fellow Oldhammerers.  This is the place to negotiate deals and paw through doubles.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Vendor Tables Open

Please visit our guest vendors selling their wares.

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Arts & Crafts Table: Making a Deodorant Tube Hover Tank

Do you still drool over that classic deodorant tube hover tank?  Now's your chance to make one.  Materials will be provided until they run out, but feel free to bring some bits of your own to add to the fun.  Expert help will be provided from 10:00 am to noon, but the table will remain open all day.  Organizer: Darrin Stephens

12:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Bretonnian Frog Hunt

Charlve the Insatiable has offered his barony to the noble knight who can deliver him the most giant frogs infesting the ruins of the village of La Grenouilles.  Will you be the one?  This GM'd warband-level skirmish scenario will pit 4 noble sons of Bretonnia and their retinues against each other and the mutated fauna of La Grenouilles using modified 3rd edition rules.  Miniatures, scenery, and cheat sheet explaining the rules will be provided, and a prize is waiting for the most savvy frog hunter.  Organizer: Brian Kirkell

12:00 pm to 8:00 pm


River Crossing

An Orc invasion is once again threatening to lay waste to the Empire, but first the green tide must cross a river in the face of a stalwart defense.  This massive GM'd game for 8 players will be fought out using modified Warmaster rules with hundreds of miniatures on an honest-to-goodness stage.  You will literally get to walk among your forces as a god of war.  Miniatures and scenery will be provided.  Organizer: Richard Hale

12:00 pm to 8:00 pm


Rogue Trader Demo

Looking for some classic 40K?  Start here at our 6' by 6' Rogue Trader demo table, and get the bolters roaring.  Two GM'd sessions for six players will be offered.  Miniatures and scenery will be provided, but players that want to "bring and battle" with painted miniatures are welcome with prior GM approval.  Organizer: Darrin Stephens

3:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Bretonnian Frog Hunt

Did you miss the Bretonnian frog hunt?  Here's another chance to win frogs' legs and glory!  Organizer: Brian Kirkell

8:00 pm to 10:30 pm

Bretonnian Frog Hunt

For Bretonnia and fine cuisine!  Organizer: Brian Kirkell

Saturday August 8th 2015

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Registration Desk Open

Check-in, pick up your swag, register for games, and take a peek at our history of Warhammer table.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Open Gaming

Play whatever Oldhammer games strike your fancy.  Some games and terrain will be provided for use on open tables.  These tables will give you the space to "bring and battle" Oldhammer style.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Trading Table Open

Stop by the trading table to trade your games and minis with fellow Oldhammerers.  This is the place to negotiate deals and paw through doubles.

9:00 am to 12:00 am

Vendor Tables Open

Please visit our guest vendors selling their wares.

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Painting Competition Submission Period

Do you have a miniature work of art that expresses the spirit of Oldhammer?  Well, we have a painting competition!  Three categories will be available this year: single, large, and vintage.  Submit your entries at the registration desk and take a shot at winning the coveted Golden Oldhammer.  Organizer: Andrew Dyer

10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Arts & Crafts Table: Painting a Deodorant Tube Hover Tank

Did you make a deodorant tube hover tank?  Now's your chance to paint it.  Materials will be provided until they run out, but feel free to bring some paints and brushes of your own to add to the fun.  Expert help will be provided from 10:00 am to noon, but the table will remain open all day.  Organizer: Darrin Stephens

10:00 am to 6:00 pm


Remember the New Alamo

Space Orcs take exception when a Rogue Trader converts their world over for weapons production by hitting it with every pollutant, harmful bacteria, and deadly virus known to the Imperium.  Was calling the world New Texas and building his base in a fortress he dubbed the New Alamo the ultimate in hubris, or will the final assault be rolled back by a ragtag force of raw recruits, mercenary scum, and space marines?  This GM'd Rogue Trader game for up to 10 players will be fought out on an 8' by 6' table with an actual 28mm scale model of the Alamo at its center.  Scenery and some miniatures for each side will be provided.   Players are also encouraged to bring their own Space Orc or Imperial miniatures.  Organizer: Brian Kirkell

10:00 am to 6:00 pm

The Siege Begins

The Orcs have crossed the river into the Empire, but must fight their way past an imperial army strongly fortified in a castle.  This massive GM'd game for 8 players continues the River Crossing scenario started on Friday the 7th, and will be fought out using modified Warmaster rules with hundreds of miniatures.  Miniatures and scenery will be provided.  Organizer: Richard Hale

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Painting Competition Winners Announced

Did you win the Golden Oldhammer?  Organizer: Andrew Dyer

8:00 pm to 12:00 am

Specialist Games Extravaganza

Saturday night's alright for fighting!  And, you'll have your pick of a wide variety of games, including Epic, Man O' War, Mordheim, Space Hulk, Blood Bowl, and more.  Many big box rule sets will be provided.  Just bring your minis and scenery and throw down.

Sunday August 9th 2015

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Registration Desk Open

Check-in, pick up your swag, register for games, and take a peek at our history of Warhammer table.

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Open Gaming

Play whatever Oldhammer games strike your fancy.  Some games and terrain will be provided for use on open tables.  These tables will give you the space to "bring and battle" Oldhammer style.

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Trading Table Open

Stop by the trading table to trade your games and minis with fellow Oldhammerers.  This is the place to negotiate deals and paw through doubles.

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Vendor Tables Open

Please visit our guest vendors selling their wares.

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Deodorant Tube Hover Tank Death Match

Did you build and paint a deodorant tube hover tank?  Now's your chance to pit your creation against your arts and crafts foes in a last tank hovering throw down.  This GM'd game will be played using RT tank rules.  Will this one be played for pride or will you agree to put pinks on the line?  Organizer: Darrin Stephens

10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Grand Melee

Break out your 3rd edition army for no holds barred slugfest.  This is truly your chance to bring out your lead.  Organizer: Chris Sabick

10:00 am to 6:00 pm

The End of Days

The siege has pushed both armies to the breaking point.  Which one will crack and crumble first?  This massive GM'd game for 8 players continues the River Crossing and Siege Begins scenarios, and will be fought out using modified Warmaster rules with hundreds of miniatures.  Miniatures and scenery will be provided.  Organizer: Richard Hale

*Additional scenario guidelines and materials will be provided on the 2015 USA Oldhammer Weekend Facebook event page.  If you have questions regarding a particular event that have not been addressed on the Facebook event page, please feel free to contact the event organizer directly.

*Space for hosted events is limited, and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  We strongly recommend that you register for hosted events when you purchase your tickets.  Registration for hosted events will be coordinated by Chris Sabick via Facebook.

*We have a good deal of floor space at the Days Inn, leaving us with plenty of room for open gaming.  If you plan on bringing a game, and will need a particular table configuration to provide something other than the standard 8' by 4' playing surface, please let Brian Kirkell know via Facebook, and he will assist you in getting a timeslot for your game and the space you need squared away.

*One of the benefits of the Days Inn is that our gaming room does not close.  Although formal events are scheduled to run between 9:00 AM and midnight on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th and 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Sunday the 9th, you are welcome to continue gaming outside those hours.